This Website is an online platform for co-owners and tenants of the building complex Guimardstraat 1, Handelstraat 82, Handelsstraat 72 and parking Guimard.
Four property owners are active in the building complex. Each co-owner has a representative in the advisory committee. Advisory Committee is chaired by the Interdiocesan Center represented by Danny Herremans, Director of Logistics and ICT. An overview...
Alexis Wautot - Director
Interdiocesaan Centrum
Guimardstraat 1 - 1040 Brussel
02 / 507 05 02
Kris De Koker - Financial-administrative director
Zorgnet Icuro Vlaanderen
Guimardstraat 1 - 1040 Brussel
02 / 507 01 74 0479 / 63 07 21
Kristof Diddens - Office manager
Vlaams Welzijnsverbond
Guimardstraat 1 - 1040 Brussel
02 / 507 01 37 0495 / 60 78 75
Piet Ketele - Advisor
Katholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen
Guimardstraat 1 - 1040 Brussel
02 / 529 04 00 0496 / 12 79 90